Our Mission
Cottage Autism Network aims to improve the quality of life of families by providing support, promoting equality and inclusion of autistic children and teenagers as well as raising awareness in the community by being a voice for our members.
Join our community of families to learn and share your experience.

Autism is a developmental disability that remains with a person for his or her whole life. This condition affects the brain’s functions. The first signs usually appear before a child is three years old.
Autism affects girls and boys of all races and in all geographic regions and has a large impact on children, their families, communities and societies. The prevalence is currently rising in many countries around the world.

The following are a sample of activities run by CAN during the year and these are subject to change. All our children’s activities create opportunities for those attending to develop their communication skills, social skills and to make new friends. Please get in contact for up to date details regarding activities available and also to book a place (places are limited).

Regular Coffee Morning
Open to both CAN members and non–members.
These are open to parents, carers and extended family members that would like to connect with others who have a child/family member with autism.
Coffee mornings are on the last Friday of the month, 10am to 12pm during school times. Get in contact to find out more

Teen Sow it to Grow it
Based in the Enniscorthy allotments this program starts from March to October. Teens are encouraged to sow, plant and nourish their own vegetables. When the produce is mature they bring it to Enniscorthy market to sell.

Surfing takes place on Saturday mornings at the Surf Shack in Curracloe and is open to CAN members.

Activities During School Holidays
CAN organises a range of activities and events outside of term time. These include camps such as surfing and soccer as well as gaming days and family events.

Youth Club
Our teen programme includes a youth club in Rosslare community centre on Monday evenings.
Activities in our youth club include:
Film nights, Arts and Crafts, Chocolate making and Game nights.

Horse Riding
We offer horse riding lessons as well as therapeutic horse riding.
Railway yard gallops is based Duncormick for regular equine sessions.
Therapeutic horse riding is based in Davidstown, Enniscorthy and involves an all over personal equine experience.
Horse riding has been recognised to improve children’s physical, emotional and social skills, and is also a fun activity!